Talent Mapping
Talent Mapping
in just four steps
Contact Us
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We then discuss with you your needs and learn more about your business
We learn about specific needs, such as time allocations and skills needed, to develop a brief.
This allows us to cross-match your needs against our Elite Interim Network.
Elite Network
We scour our Elite Interim Network of over 3000 interims.
We then find the ideal person to propel your business and deliver the results needed.
We deliver a shortlist of exceptional interims that can take your business to new heights.
You conduct final interviews and appoint your new interim.
Who we work with
Unlike other search firms, we are not limited to specific sectors, we work with portfolio businesses at all stages of the investment lifecycle:
- 9Private equity-backed management teams; CEO, CFO, HRD, CTO, COO, CRO, CPO, MD, FD
- 9Privately owned businesses; CEO, CFO, HRD, CTO, COO, CRO, CPO, MD, FD
- 9Investors; Managing Director, Partner, Investment Director, Investment Manager
Get in Touch
Other ways to contact us
If you’d prefer to get in touch with us in a more direct manner, please see the contact options below.
Email: info@marblehillpartners.com
Tel: 0333 305 5119